Men's anger can reduce women's tears!
The smell of women's tears can change a lot. Many people cannot believe this. A study recently published in the journal Los Biology. Where all such evidence is found.
The study by Shane Aaron, a researcher at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, was about the tears of women. Women's tears can reduce the anger of men? This was the subject of the study. The research finally found evidence in favor of this. Studies have shown that tears can really cool men's heads.
In many cases they can be humbled by the tears of women.
Big magic in the smell of tears
The tears were understandable. But seeing that, it is difficult to say whether the headache is reducing or not. Because the exam content is different.
During the test, the men had to smell the tears. Smelling that smell, they got angry instantly. Initially, this test was conducted on a special species of rodent, the rat. It can be seen that the anger of male rats decreases after smelling the tears of female rats. According to scientists, this happens more often in animals.
It is not so understood among Bay people. This test was done to understand that.
The men gave the big test
A special situation is created during the experiment. Men are deceived by it. As a result, they naturally get angry. Immediately after this anger, they started showing anger in various ways. Meanwhile, a group was exposed to the smell of saline. Another group is attracted by the smell of women's tears. Both have no smell though. But in front of the nose should be done. After this, it was seen that 40 percent of the men's anger fell completely!
Why anger?
According to the researchers, the brain's prefrontal cortex and anterior insula are highly active during anger. An MRI scan showed that both these parts are deactivated by the smell of tears. As a result, men's anger is reduced by more than 40 percent!
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